Submitted by Marco Villegas on Mar, 24/10/2017 - 20:51
tl;dr: Review the plan at the end directly.
Software has a changing nature; Drupal and its extensions are not the exception.
To be useful for a most of the users, those need to be on full releases, not only on the version control system; indeed the problem is not new and there is even a well-known phrase for one of its solutions: release early, release often
Therefore it is important to have a release plan.
Following after some context and reasoning, I propose a couple of practical guidelines on release schedule for contributed drupal extensions that I intend to use: release weekly until stable, then once a month following core shedule.
Submitted by Marco Villegas on Mié, 19/04/2017 - 21:27
Vote Up/Down is a drupal module that uses Voting API to provide a way to vote.
These notes are about part of the history of the module, and the recent news about it, including a couple of releases!
Submitted by Marco Villegas on Sáb, 25/02/2017 - 13:22
If neither the --lsbsysinit option nor the --regex option is given then the names must consist entirely of ASCII upper- and lower-case letters, ASCII digits, ASCII underscores, and ASCII minus-hyphens [run-parts(8)].
And that's is why the cron.d file was not running!
Gladly someone mentioned it before.
Submitted by Marco Villegas on Sáb, 24/10/2015 - 19:01
Just to mention that I will be removing the feedburner feed link in the following days, so if you are subscribed to that link, please use instead, the new link will be working in the following hours, i.e. after feedburner had read this post.
Submitted by Marco Villegas on Sáb, 03/01/2015 - 13:56
Submitted by Marco Villegas on Jue, 21/03/2013 - 01:18
Some time ago I started maintaining a mirror of Claws mail CVS repository into git.
That is not necessary anymore, the Claws Mail team have made the move to git, so now upstream itself is using git \o/ (git://
and git://
Also notice that they have recently merged core and plugins repositories.
I have just deleted the github repositories corresponding to each CVS repository (claws-mail, claws-mail-plugins and claws-contacts), and disabled the scripts that have been doing the updates.
Claws Mail team, thanks for the move to git!
Submitted by Marco Villegas on Lun, 11/03/2013 - 20:54
I have started a new section of the blog: Contribution log,
The main idea behind it is track what I am doing, and hopefully it will help me to choose in a better way what I do based on the past history.
Those posts will not appear on the main feed to avoid noise, but there is a feed on the mentioned link if someone is interested.
Submitted by Marco Villegas on Dom, 23/09/2012 - 11:55
I have been writing about Drupal core statistics several times in the past, and incrementally, I have been automating the process of extract/sanitize contributors from commit messages and generating visualizations of the contributions.
The code is maintained on one of my sandboxes, Drupal contribution analyzer, but I know, specially for the dependencies, that is not really trivial to run.
This time, instead of just presenting a new set of the statistics/visualizations output, I am glad to announce that I will be releasing a new version of the statistics and the visualizations once per week. In that way, the results will be available while I iterate on the code.
The site where the data will be available will be Drupal core contribution statistics website.
If you want to make any suggestion, please do it on the project's issue queue.
Following, one of the images generated, just to provide an idea of what is there.
Submitted by Marco Villegas on Mié, 06/04/2011 - 14:16
Como cada año, el grupo Linux IDES de la PUCP organizó el Linux Week, esta vez en su edición 2011.
Junto con Diego Escalante dimos una charla con el título Participando en el Googgle Summer of code. La idea de la charla fue motivar a los estudiantes asistentes a participar de este programa de Google en su edición 2011.
Submitted by Marco Villegas on Jue, 31/03/2011 - 23:07
I was lucky to receive one of the partial scholarships to attend DrupalCon Chicago 2011. So, thanks for giving me the opportunity to be there!
As any drupalcon I had been part of, the way I feel inside it is just awesome. Actually take almost the whole Sheraton for a week was insane! Let me tell a little bit about my stay there.