
Version Control API introduction

This was originally intended to be a BoF session at DrupalCon San Francisco, but after talking with Sam(sdboyer) about it it seems to be a better idea to make a little screencast instead.

So, like I mentioned in the post about the drupalCon SF this is my first attempt to start documenting the 6.x-2.x branch version.

I hope this can help people to get inside the code of the versioncontrol module.

DrupalCon San Francisco 2010 or why I love drupal community

The last days has been an incredible experience for me. Let's start at the beginning :-)

I had the luck that my application was one of the chosen to receive a scholarship for travelling to this year first DrupalCon, at San Francisco, California on USA. After dealing with visa stuff(thanks for the letter Cary Gordon!), which was really easier than for France, I was in a ten-hours flight to the Con!

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